The Missing Link In Education

The Choice Of Education Let us for a moment imagine your child seeking your help to “Make A Rainbow”. And let me try to guess the outcomes. 60% of you'll may guide him to do a drawing or a craft depicting a rainbow 30% of you'll may guide him to use light prism with the hero of a water bat mirror etc. But what I do hope is there will be some exceptions who may help the child to make a real rainbow, outdoors, with the help of a water jet sprayed towards the sun over a still water body. As a parent myself, the above percentage is a matter of concern about the future of our children. We make thousands of decisions in the hope that it will result in a future for children that is full of truth, beauty, justice and goodness. But one such important choice we have to make is about their education and developing their grey cells through it. The choice of schooling for my son made me reflect on the education I received as a child and observed that not much has chang...