Purpose Before Profits

The World Today In a highly competitive business world and being part of it myself for over a decade, wherever I see, the current model is too focused on making money. Man is this greedy little specie inhabiting the planet doing whatever he can to outdo other to constantly become richer. The last few hundred years has built on an idea of a business whose main purpose is to maximize profits at all costs. Everything else is secondary. At all costs I say because these establishments grew in strength across the world along with its flawed support systems giving rise to extreme major problems that we are now trying to find solutions for. Don’t you find this insane? We are creating problems through our business ventures and then we are trying to find a solution for it simultaneously only to create more problems. If you glance at social media today we are constantly being faced with various threats of losing the planet, for e.g. the forest fires happening in the Amazon are all...